Thursday 1 November 2012

A Day With Caleb

   I love Baby Caleb! I had so much fun with him yesterday! I decided that I was going to spend the whole day with him, just him and me. It was a lot of fun. Caleb is such a smart boy! When I say something, he understands, he just cannot speak yet. I said,

“Caleb! We are leaving! Do you want to come with me?”

   When I said that, he ran over to where his shoes were and tried to put them on. Then when he failed to put them on, he ran over to me with his shoes and held them out to me so that I would put them on. When I started to put on his shoes, he got so excited. Caleb was laughing and smiling the whole time we were getting ready to leave.

   Once I had packed a bag for him with diapers and extra clothes and stuff, we were ready to go. I told Bogere and Betty that I would see them later and they agreed, hugged me and went and played. This was my day with Caleb and I was so excited to just spoil my boy for a little bit.

   By the time that Caleb and I reached my hotel, it was lunch time. I got his lunch ready and then I gave it to him while he watched “Baby Einstein”. He loved every second of that movie. Caleb had never seen a movie before, so he was very excited. It was so cute to watch him starring at my computer screen with excitement.

   Lunch was finished, so it was bath time. Caleb loves to eat…he also loves to wear a lot of what he eats, so everyday after lunch, we have to give him a bath. I filled the basin with warm water and gave him a good bath. Caleb just smiled and laughed the whole time. This is one happy baby. I then decided to brush his teeth. My boy just smiled and let me brush his teeth without being fussy or upset.

   After bath time, then I put in another movie, Elmo. Caleb was getting tired, so he starred at the screen and would point to things that he wanted me to see. It was so cute. I watched Elmo with him until he fell asleep. After my boy was fast asleep, I turned off the movie and I worked out in the room for a little bit. I then decided to lay down on the bed with him. I put my hand on his back and I prayed for him. I prayed for his health, his happiness, and his future.

   Caleb is a very special little boy. I have never seen a baby so happy, especially after almost dying a few times. God has huge plans for this little boy, I can tell already. I love him so much and I am so honored that I got to be the one that God used to rescue him. These few months of getting to know Caleb have been a few of the greatest months of my life.

“Thank you Jesus for Caleb! Thank you for bringing him into my life. Thank you for letting me get to know this beautiful son of Yours. Thank you for this beautiful rainy day that we had. Please continue to heal Caleb’s body. I love you! Amen.”


  1. So Beautiful Paris that God is using you to bless this baby boy. I have always felt that God has meant for me to be the Mother of many but not by giving birth to many children but by loving his children. Working in foster care I get the opportunity to do this almost daily. I believe God has meant for you to also be the mother of many. Thank you for sharing God's greatest gift with Caleb...Love!

  2. I LOVE the photo of Caleb in the basin. So precious.
