Sunday 11 November 2012

Strength for Battle

   "Do not let any set of circumstances intimidate you. The more challenging your day, the more of My Power I place at your disposal...Try to view challenging days as opportunities to receive more of My Power than usual. As your day, so shall your strength be."

   That was a few pieces from my devotional yesterday morning. That one hit me right in the face. I have never thought about a challenging day like that. When I have had a hard day, I just thought that maybe it was me being weak, then I would count on myself to be strong. In reality, I was weak so that I could use the power that God has placed inside of me all along. In those hard days I should be excited because that is when God gives me an abundance of strength, if I choose to use it.

   I have had some hard days...I've been accused of murder, my boy's mother was beaten to death, and those are just a few. However, those situations were moments were I could call on the strength of The Father. Nothing is too big for my God. It may be overwhelming or scary to me, but to God, it's just the next level in my training. It makes me wonder, sometimes, what God has planned for my future. What kind of battles is God preparing me for? If this is my training, then what in the world does God have me doing in the future?!  Whatever it is, I'm excited. I have been trained to always rely on God. That will get me through any and every battle that comes my way.

   Yesterday was Sunday. I decided that I was going to watch church online. I really miss my church and my Oasis family. I am so grateful that we have live streaming available. It makes it feel like I am right there at home with everyone else. I am really starting to miss all of you crazy people. When I turned on my computer and saw Michelle Lutz and Jf Wilkerson leading worship I was so happy. It was like I was really there. This just made my day!

"Thank you Jesus for our Oasis tech team! They make it possible for me to see my church online every Sunday. Thank you for allowing me to feel so close to home even though I am so far away. I miss them all so much. Thank you for giving me Your strength that gets me through every battle that comes my way. I love you! Amen."

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