Saturday 3 November 2012

Boss For A Day

      Yesterday morning Pastor Ruth called me to tell me that she was going to be at a conference and she wanted me to go straight to Smile Africa. Mama Ruth informed me that a lot of the staff was also going to be at the conference, so she wanted me to be in charge at Smile Africa. I agreed and quickly began my walk to Smile. As soon as I reached Smile, I walked around the facility to see who was actually working that day.

    I then went into the babies room. Caleb was fast asleep. It was kind of early for him to be sleeping, so I went to find one of the other babies room workers to make sure that he was okay. I asked her if Caleb didn't sleep well or something or if he woke up early or had an active morning. She told me that he slept just fine and that he was so lazy all morning. Caleb even refused to go outside and play, which never happens. That only meant that my sweet Caleb was probably sick. I just left him asleep for now, but when he woke up, I planned on taking him to the nurse.

   There are 2 little boys who never wear clothes to Smile Africa. Sometimes they will have 1 big, torn t-shirt, but that's usually it. Thanks to my mom and Karla Daniels and her small group, I have been given a bunch of outfits to give to these children. I brought some shorts and a shirt for these boys. When I put those clothes on them, their faces lit up and they thanked me and ran off. All of a sudden they had confidence and they played with other children. It was so wonderful.

   Finally Caleb woke up. I ran to the babies room to check on my boy. Caleb did not look good at all. His eyes were puffy and he would not smile or move. Something was really wrong. I took Caleb to the nurse and she took a small blood test. Turns out Caleb has Malaria. I was so sad for him. It is not a huge deal, he is going to be fine. We have medicine and he is going to be perfectly okay in just a few days. I just hate seeing him sick. When I had Malaria it was fine because I knew what was going on. I just felt so bad for my little boy. I carried him and gave him his medicine. Caleb slept most of the day. Which is great! My boy will feel better in no time!

   Finally the day was over so I said good-bye to everyone and began my journey back to the hotel. When I left, Bogere cried. It was really sad. On my walk I just kept thinking about how hard it was going to be for both of us when I have to leave. Bogere cried when I left and I was going to see him the next day. What is going to happen when I have to leave...and I'm not going to see him the next day? This thought overwhelmed me.

"Jesus, thank you for all that you do for me. Thank you for keeping me safe as I walk to and from my hotel everyday. I pray God that you will be with Bogere when I leave. Please comfort him when that time comes. Give me the strength to not break down when I am talking to him about me leaving. I love you and I praise for you all that you are. Amen."


1 comment:

  1. Paris, thank you for taking care of Caleb as if he were your own! I love that little boy...and I love you!!
