Sunday 18 November 2012

You're Beautiful

   I woke up very early yesterday. I needed to get to church early so I could give the women something as they walked in the door. When my mom came to visit me, she brought bracelets for the women. The bracelets say "BEAUTIFUL". All the women were supposed to get them during the GodChicks Conference Tororo, but the suitcase did not arrive with the plane like it was supposed to. So, I handed them out yesterday.

   As each women walked in the door I handed them this bracelet. At first they were very confused as to why I was giving the a gift for no reason. They looked at me as if I was going to tell them to give me some amount of money for it. When they realized that I did not want any money, that I was just giving it to them, they were confused. When they read the word "BEAUTIFUL" on the bracelet, they smiled. It was so amazing to see so many women be told that they are beautiful for the first time. Every single woman put the bracelet on right away and they kept it on the whole day. All women, young and old, walked proudly yesterday...knowing that they are beautiful. 

   While I was passing out the bracelets, Bogere and Betty came running to me. It was great to see them. Betty was very excited to show me her new dress. She looked beautiful. The 2 of them watched as I was handing out these bracelets and telling these women that they were beautiful. Betty asked if she could help. So I handed her a handful of bracelets and she would run up to the women, tell them they were beautiful, hand them a bracelet, and run back. Bogere then asked me if he could help too. Within minutes both Betty and Bogere were handing out bracelets and telling the women that they were beautiful. I was so proud of them.

   Betty was doing a great job and it was so great to see her helping. When I saw Bogere running up to the women to tell them they were beautiful, it did something in my heart. This boy has truly come a long way. To see him caring about someone else was so touching to me. Bogere has been watching me care for and love other people for 3 months now. After watching me, now Bogere wants to care for people too. I could hardly believe my eyes. The only thing that I was thinking was, 

"My God is so good." 

   I just smiled at the sight of my kids running around with "BEAUTIFUL" bracelets for the women. Then I laughed at the enemy. Bogere was sexually abused, beaten by his parents, HIV+, was starving for food, watched his mother beaten to death...and now look at him. That same boy is smiling, knows God loves him, says 'please and thank you', and is telling women that they are beautiful. WOW! God must have great plans for Bogere if the enemy is trying to destroy him in every way possible. My God is bigger than any attack of the enemy! Praise God for his unfailing love! Bogere was never forgotten!

1 comment:

  1. All the ladies had a smile on their faces, the bracelets reminded them that they are beautiful and that made their day. Most of them have not been told the word beautiful in years.Thank you Pastor Holly for loving the ladies and taking time to do this for all of us.We love you too.
