Tuesday 30 October 2012

Good-bye Mommy

   Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. I was enjoying my last day with my mom and Shunna. It has been so nice to have them here with me to see all the work that God has been doing. I loved sharing everything with them. It was also great to have a little time away. I was really missing my mom, so it was great timing that they came.
   We all decided to go to a restaurant to have some coffee and some lunch. It was really great. I really missed their company since I've been gone. We did nothing but laugh! We just laughed and laughed the whole time. It was just what we all needed.

    When we went back to the room we had to pack. I had to pack to go back to Tororo and my mom had to pack to go back home. That part was not fun at all. In such a short time, I got used to my mom being around. So now I am going to have to get used to her being gone again. We packed our stuff up together. Once everything was packed we all went down for dinner.

   This was an important dinner... This was my first time ever voting for president! It's hilarious to me that my first time to ever vote is in Uganda! I am so glad that I got to vote. It was cool.

   After dinner, it was time to leave. My mom and Shunna grabbed there bags and walked out of the hotel. I hugged them both and told them that I was going to miss them. I don't know which was harder...saying good-bye the first time or second time. I think maybe this time was the hardest. I watched their van drive away and I waved until I couldn't see them anymore. I have 1 and a half months left, which is not that long, but when I watched them leave, it felt like forever.

"Thank you Jesus for the days that I got to spend with my mom and Shunna. Please keep me strong so that I do not get sad about them leaving. I pray for peace in my mom's heart and in mine. Thank you for allowing me the chance to vote for president for the first time. Thank you for loving me and looking out for me! Please protect my mom and Shunna as they travel. I love you! Amen."



  1. That's awesome you got to vote in Uganda! What a great post Paris. I can't wait to see what you'll do in the next month! I'm sure God will use you greatly. -M. Tutak :)

  2. I made it home a few hours ago!! Miss you tons!!
