Friday 28 September 2012

The Journey to Kampala

   Yesterday was a day of traveling! First thing in the morning I woke up and packed a bag for the weekend. Julian and I would be traveling to Kampala for the weekend to see a show called Passion, where Chris Tomlin would be performing. I was really looking forward to this concert. It would be a nice break and a chance for me to be filled up.

   Pastor Ruth picked us up and we went to Smile Africa so that we could take Baby Eric and Baby Ruth for immunizations. On the way to take the babies to the doctor, Ruth dropped us off at the taxi that would be going to Kampala. We put our bags in and we were told to sit in the very back. The taxi's here are more like vans that seat like 12 people. There are rows of 3 and everyone is usually jammed in tight. I knew that this was going to be an interesting ride.

   We were sitting in the car for a good 45 minutes before we actually left. That was so not fun, it was hot and a lot of the people smelled really bad. When we started driving I immediately stuck my head out the window. It was a desperate attempt for fresh air. On the way to Kampala we picked up 3 more passengers. Our driver now had 17 people in this van. I looked at a note pasted to the side of the van that read:


   As I read that sign I did a head count. I counted 17 people, 18 including the 6 year old sitting on his mom's lap. I pointed this out to Julian and she laughed as well. I just ignored it and put on my music and thought to myself, "Welcome to Africa!"

   Once we arrived in Kampala we went right to Watoto Church. I walked in the doors and instantly felt right at home. I knew everyone there and I was being reunited with all my friends that I had not seen for years. It was a home coming, for both Julian and myself. We stayed at Watoto all night and watch a performance that was going on. We sang praise and worship and had church! Well church like I am used to. It was a wonderful night. Tomorrow night is going to so awesome. I am really looking forward to seeing Chris Tomlin as well as the other guests speakers. 
"Thank you Jesus for allowing me to arrive safely in Kampala! Thank you for all my friends at Watoto Church! Please keep Bogere safe as well as the other children while I am away this weekend. Thank you for your love. Amen."

1 comment:

  1. I thank God for taking you safely and He will bring you back safely.

    I know God is training you to be able to help other missionaries to understand the different challenges in way of transport,etc.

    I love you and pray for you always.
