Monday 10 September 2012

Plowing the Field

I had an amazing day yesterday! In the morning I made breakfast and brought it to Bogere. As soon as I arrived at Smile, Bogere ran to me and put his head down on my shoulder. I knew that something was not right. It's a mother's instinct. So I picked him up and took him to Michael, who is an American that lives in Tororo and works at Smile Africa. I asked Michael what happened this morning and he said, "how did you know that something happened?" I told him it was because I love Bogere and I know that something isn't right. So Michael then informed me that Bogere was not being very polite in the morning. Apparently some of the teachers came to greet Bogere and he would not talk to them, he just starred out of the gate and waited for me to come. Then Bogere's mom came and saw that he was not responding to the teachers so she grabbed a stick and beat him over the head with it. When Michael told me that, anger began to brew in my heart. I could not believe that happened to Bogere! I was so upset about that. The thought that came into my head was, " No one is allowed to touch my son like that!" Then I imagined all the things I wanted to say to that woman, but I chose to act in wisdom and keep my mouth shut. I kissed his head and said, "Sorry baby."I then gave him a bath and changed him into new clothes and took him to the babies room with me. He likes to sit there and play with his toys as I take care of the babies. Pastor Ruth as been out of town and she put me in charge of the babies. The first thing I do when I get there is let the teachers get a break from them and go get something to eat. 2 of the teachers at Smile Africa stay with the babies over night, so they are exhausted by the time I get there. As soon as I arrive the teachers are happy to see me, they can finally get some rest while I look after the 3 babies and Bogere.
                  The twins Eric and Ruth

I find it really fun taking care of these children. During lunch time the teachers come back and I take Bogere to lunch. My boy is looking so much healthier already! All the teachers have commented on how happy he looks and how much healthier he seems. I am so glad that only after a short time he has changed so much!

After the day was over I walked Bogere back home. I carried him with one arm and had about 4 other children hanging from my other arm. As soon as we arrived at his house I handed him a bag of food that I put together for his family. I also handed him a water bottle and I kissed him good-bye. I stood their and smiled at him as I watched him walk home. The only thought that was in my head was "Please God, don't let her hit him, please God!" You can't even imagine the feeling of letting your child go to a place where he gets beaten for ever little mistake. The thought of someone hurting him like that makes me sick to my stomach, so I chose to trust God with His baby and I walked away. On my way back to Smile I saw 3 women from the village digging and plowing the soil. So I stopped and said hello and asked if I could help them. 1 of the 3 women handed me a hoe and a shovel, showed me how to do it, and sent me to work. I helped them plow a huge portion of the field. It was actually really fun. They all thought it was the funniest thing that I wanted to help them. I did as much as I could until it was time to go. I thanked them for allowing me to help and then I got in the car and went back to the hotel. It was a very eventful day and I had so much fun! Thank you God for allowing me to help everyone that I see. Thank you for teaching me new ways to love each of your children. I am so honored that God has chosen me to be His hands and feet in this beautiful country!


  1. Paris thank you for blogging about your journey. So excited I get to share in it by reading. I'm praying for you & believing in Gods perfect plans for your life as well as baby Joshuas. I'm believing He is pouring out blessings, guidance & protection on Smile! So proud of your faithfulness to answer His call!

  2. So proud of you Paris! I enjoy hearing the stories about your love of Bogere. You are impacting his life beyond measures. God is truly using you to shine HIS love onto these kiddos! Praying that you have days ahead filled with laughter!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing experience. It is truly inspiring to hear and see the work that God is doing through you. Thank you for sharing this story and the wisdom you had to not say what most of us would have also wanted to say. Being the oldest of 8 kids I would have had a hard time not acting out of my own anger. You are wise and God will use that to His Glory.
    Praying for you and everyone you work with that God's healing loving touch comes through you for His greatest good. Stay strong in knowing that your Oasis family is praying for you daily...
