Thursday 6 December 2012

Life Lesson

   Yesterday was kind of a rough day. I woke up in the morning and I checked my e-mail. The first message I read was letting me know that someone that I love dearly has past away. I was so heart broken. Being so far away from home made it even harder. I just put my head down and cried. I could not believe it. That was really not how I was expecting to start my morning. While I got ready for the day I was annoyed and hurting and I just wished that I could be home with my family. I was very sad. I was thinking that I would just stay at the hotel and not go to Smile Africa that day. I felt like God was telling me to go anyway. So I got ready for the day...and I left.

   When I arrived at Smile I was not in the greatest mood ever. I tried to put on a happy face for the kids and just keep going about my day. Bogere is a very smart boy and he noticed that I was not myself. As I was making a bottle for a baby in the babies room, Bogere entered the room and he said to me,

"Paris, what happened? You're sad?"

   Right then I had a choice to make. I could pretend like nothing was wrong and tell him that I was tired or something, or I could turn this into a life lesson. This was a very important decision. I felt like maybe God told me to come to Smile Africa this morning for this moment. I looked down at my little boy looking back at me. I got down on my knees and looked him right in the eyes. I said,

"Yes, Bogere, I'm sad. Something happened that made me sad. But even when I am sad, I still need to praise God for all the good things that he has given me. It's important that you praise God even when you are sad or angry. I am sad, but I'm still talking nicely to other people and I'm being kind to my friends. It is important that even though we are sad that we do not treat other people badly. Do you understand?"

   Bogere's eyes never left mine. He told me that he understood and then I told him to go and play. I watched him play on his bike with his friends. That decision I made was crucial. Bogere is watching every move I make. It is okay if I get angry or upset and he sees it, but how I handle those emotions is what will make all the difference. I behave differently knowing that there is little boy who will copy everything I do. I am now responsible for him. God has given me the honor of taking care of His son, so I must do the best I can.

   After my day at Smile Africa I went to my friend Rachelle's house. They were putting up Christmas decorations in their house, so I joined in the Christmas fun. It was so much fun playing with Rachelle's daughters and setting up Christmas around the house. (Hadasa 6, Bethany 3)

   What was really great was that I was able to talk to Rachelle about all that was going on. All my sisters are back home, but now I have one here. I just talked and talked and talked and Rachelle just listened and gave me her input and just made everything better. I love spending time with that family. In the 4 months that I have been here, they have really become like family. I am so grateful for Rachelle and how much she invested into my life yesterday. It meant the world to me.

"Thank you Jesus for all your love. I thank you for giving me a brand new day. Thank you for allowing me the chance to teach Bogere something new, a life lesson. I pray God that the words I spoke to him, he will never forget. I pray God that you will keep me strong in my last week here. I love you. Amen"


  1. This brought tears to my eyes Paris. What a beautiful example you are Paris. Your faithfulness to God and obedience to His prompting are breathtaking. Love you!

  2. Paris,
    I'm proud of you,
    Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Love you,


  3. Paris,
    I'm proud of you,
    Looking forward to seeing you soon.

    Love you,


  4. I love you and I'm praying for you (daily)!

  5. Paris,
    I am so proud of you and am praying for you!
    Love you,
