Sunday 30 September 2012

Passion Kampala

   Passion Kampala was amazing yesterday! Chris Tomlin was leading praise and worship. I stood amongst 5,000 young people as their hands were raised to Heaven. It was such a beautiful thing to see. Not to mention how the event started. A young lady came up to the stage with music behind her and she read Isaiah 61:8, which reads:

"For I, the Lord, love JUSTICE; I hate robbery and iniquity. In my faithfulness I will reward them and make an everlasting covenant with them."

   This was the chapter that was prophesied over my life! I just about lost it! I knew at that moment that this was going to be the best night ever!

   The place was packed out with people worshiping the Creator. I have to say that this was something that I really needed. I had a chance to be filled up so I could again be sent out. People from all over Uganda came to see this amazing event. 

   During the day I was visiting with a few friends that live in Kampala. We went to, what they call, a beach. It was Lake Victoria and it was beautiful. We spent the day walking around the beach area and walking through the markets. I just love this city. The whole time I was with them I was trying to convince them to come see Passion with me. I knew that it would impact them, I mean, how could it not? They were hesitant, but they said that they would walk me there and they would see what they thought when they got there. 

   Once the concert started they said, "Okay, we'll stay!" I just smiled and said, "I thought you might!" They were in shock at what was happening right before their eyes. 5,000 people singing all the songs and totally focused on Jesus. Toward the end of the concert everyone was given a special opportunity. An opportunity to live for Jesus! One of the people that I was with raised his hand and make a decision to follow Jesus! This was really one awesome night! The worship night lasted 4 and a half hours and the time flew by!

   When it was time to go home I was on, what I call, a major Jesus high. I was so excited for life and I could not wait to get back to Tororo and continue all the work that God had for me there. I found the pastor that I was staying with in the middle of the crowd. He informed me that his wife needed the car, so we were going to take different means of transportation. As we were walking to the parking lot, the pastor through me a motorcycle helmet, pointed to his motorcycle and said, "This is our ride, you ready?" I didn't think it was possible for my night to get even did!!! I put the helmet on and jumped on that thing so fast. He just laughed at my excitement and off we went! We were flying down the streets and I was having the time of my life. 

"Thank you Jesus for giving me a night to just worship you! Thank you for safety on my amazing motorcycle ride! I love you and am not ashamed! Amen!"


  1. Sounds like you had a great time! Being refreshed is so important - especially when you are in ministry. It's like getting filled up so you have more to give.

    Chris Tomlin is a great worship leader. Awesome to hear that your friend accepted Jesus!

    Praying harder now with the whole 'motorcycle thing' haha.
    Love you,

  2. Teheheheh, random correction - 28,000 people showed up...

    That was a record... considering almost all concerts held this year have been major flops. With people just not showing up.

    Then a GOD-thing comes along and people flock to the field... line up for hours...
    We serve an amazing GOD, non?
