Friday, 31 August 2012

Day 1

I got off the plane and the smell of Uganda overtook my body. As I stepped foot on Uganda's red soil, the first thought that came to my mind was "this is home."
Today has been a rather short day, spent my time getting settled into my new room and praying for hot water in Jesus name! Haha.
We then spent an hour at Smile Africa. The van pulled up, and there he was, my boy, Bogere. This is my son for the next 4 months. My eyes lit up as he ran to me. I picked him and we laughed together. I have been here for only 5 minutes and already this boy has taken my heart. I can tell that God is going to do something huge. The connection that we have after such a short amount of time is no coincidence. I am so excited for the days to come, and lives that will be changed...especially mine.