Today was a hard day. I hate having to say goodbye to those beautiful babies. I am grateful though, that David was able to come all the way to Tororo, Uganda to meet all the beautiful children and love on the babies. Even though I'm leaving, the work still continues. There is still many great things to come for the babies in the baby home.

David also brought toys for the older children and I brought sandals for all of them. So we organized those things and left them in the office to be distributed in the next few days. After just a few hours the van finally came to get us. We had to say our last goodbyes to the beautiful babies and leave. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to them. I am going to miss them so much.
First thing in the morning, David and I went to Pastor Ruth's home to say goodbye to her and her family. Since we left in the afternoon, we had to say all of our good-byes in the morning. It was sad to say goodbye, but I know that we will both see them again.
When David and I arrived at the baby home, we were immediately bombarded with smiling children. We picked them up and hugged all of them because today was our last day to be with them. David brought many baby clothes with him, so we then distributed the clothes to the babies. They were so happy! The babies love getting new clothes and shoes. The smiles on their faces made it all worth it. For those of you who donated baby clothes, THANK YOU! The babies loved every piece of clothing that they got.

David also brought toys for the older children and I brought sandals for all of them. So we organized those things and left them in the office to be distributed in the next few days. After just a few hours the van finally came to get us. We had to say our last goodbyes to the beautiful babies and leave. It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to them. I am going to miss them so much.
To all of you who have followed my journey in Uganda, thank you. Thank you for reading my blog and keeping all of us in your thoughts and prayers. You have been able to read and even see first hand the work that City of Lights International is doing with the beautiful babies of Uganda. None of what we do would be possible without people who generously donate and sponsor babies at the baby home. City of Lights International supports the baby home and the complete well being of the babies, including visits by the dentist that you read in a previous blog. Without donations and child sponsorship, we would not be able to care for these 30 babies.
Now that you have seen what the need is and how we are helping, if you would donate or sponsor a baby, we would be so grateful! If you can sponsor a baby at $30 a month... Which is basically $1 a day, you could give many babies a second chance at life! Most of us spend more than that on coffee in a day! So I'm going to ask... Would you consider sponsoring a baby at $30 a month for at least a year? If you can commit to at least a year, you could have the power to change the world! The innocence of a child could be saved because of YOUR generosity.
With sponsoring a baby, you will receive photos of your baby and frequent updates on your child and the babies home as a whole. You will also receive a video! With your sponsorship, you are providing the funding for medical treatment, a full time nurse, private education, balanced nutrition, unconditional love by amazing caretakers, and a safe place to call home. All of these amazing things for less than what you would pay for a cup of coffee a day! By you sponsoring 1 baby, you are actually also helping the other babies in the home at the same time! So will you help us? Will you make a difference in the lives of innocent babies across the world? To sponsor a baby, please go to Your generosity could save the life of a vulnerable baby.
For those of you that already sponsor babies, thank you so much! We are able to do what we do because of people like you! Your generosity is so appreciated. Thank you so much!
I hope your eyes will never forget the things they have seen...and that your hearts will forever be stained by the red dirt.
I hope your eyes will never forget the things they have seen...and that your hearts will forever be stained by the red dirt.
Good Bye :)